Stock Indices
Near East/Africa

Foreign Exchange
actual rates
historical rates


Stock Indices

If you click the links in the list to the left, you will be directed to the finance pages of YAHOO Those pages are free. There you will find not only actual prices, but also historical prices for free download. You can choose among daily, weekly, or monthly data. Attention! Weekly data are Monday closes. The file format is *.csv that is comma separated values. If you have EXCEL on your computer, the files will be automatiocally recognized as spreadsheets. Historical data are indispensible if you intend to test market models and/or trading systems .

Foreign Exchange

Actual exchange rates can be found on many sites, among them the financial pages of YAHOO, mentioned above, and which you will be directed to if you click the according link. But you will not find historical rates there. Free historical rates may be obtained through Bank of Canada. You can choose among different data formats. All rates given there are exchange rates against the Canadian Dollar. If you want the rates of Euro/US-$, you have to load Euro/Can.$ into one column of a spreadsheet and US-$/Can.$ into another column. Then you should devide The cell containg Euro/Can.$ by the cell US-$/Can.$ in each row. The Can.$ will cancel each other out and you will get the Euro/US-$ rate.


The leading commodity exchanges are in Chicago and in London. Actual market data can be found on the finance pages of YAHOO. Unfortunately historical data are not available there.